As a faith filled ambassador for Christ, Cindy, encourages, teaches, and leads Christ’s flock with meaningful messages of hope. I’m blessed when I hear her speak or read her writings.
~Carolyn Knefley, SC, Christian Communicators Co-Director
Funny, uplifting, joyful and heartfelt. Cindy took me from laughing hysterically one moment to sobbing tears of compassion the next. Truly a gifted speaker whose heart for the Lord outshines everything.
Marissa McDavid, CO
You’ll never know how much your words meant to me during your workshop as you talked about writing as a ministry. I’ve finally accepted what God is calling me to do in this season of my life…Your workshop was like balm for my soul. You helped me put a lot of things in perspective, chief of which was understanding that I need to keep my heart and mind focused on ministering through writing and trust the Lord to open whatever doors He wants when and how He wants.
~ Cheryl Collier, Ph.D., SC
I was ready to throw in the towel. Give up the whole writing process until Cindy showed me the vast ways I could write for Christ. It’s not always in a book.goes here. ~Elaine Thompson, NC
I laughed and then I cried as Cindy walked our ladies through a three day retreat. I needed to be refreshed and renewed and when she gave me a bucket to dip into the water I was never so touched. ~Patricia Dunesbury, GA
I wondered if there people left with a “real heart.” Cindy has that heart. Her class opened my eyes to what it means to really write. ~Matthew Muldeeny, SC
I got a lot out of your talk, especially what you said about keeping your writing “happy”, and “non-controversial.” As a direct response copywriter, much of what I write professionally has the taint of controversy and you forget that not ALL writing is “selling. ~John Keever
At our annual Women’s Retreat, we were blessed to have Cindy Sproles as our guest speaker. We experienced a challenge to dig deeper into the Word and to grow closer to God. Cindy shared her heart with us – her heart for the Lord, her heart for his children and her heart for the Kingdom. Cindy has a way of making her audience feel very comfortable as she speaks, which enables them to interact and become involved with the message. We are grateful for the opportunity to have her lead us to a closer walk with the Lord & one another. ~ Paula Manning, First Christian Church, Elizabethon, TN
I love your writing, Cin. The points always come across clear, helpful, articulate; and it’s just so nice to read anything you write. ~ Molly Mason-Davis, TN
I happened upon Cindy Sproles’s class while attending the 2012 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference and immediately appreciated her willingness to truly invest in our lives as conferees. Her presentations clearly communicated the vital tools needed to have successful careers as writers, and while she spent much time teaching us all the tricks of the trade, the thing that loved me the most about Cindy Sproles was her love for Jesus Christ. No words to prove her heart for the Lord were spoken, but the actions of His children do speak. I can say in full confidence, this woman knows where she stands and the God she serves. Anyone given the opportunity to meet her is blessed. ~Erin Bailey of ErinElizabeth, Travelers Rest, SC